Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Quote or Two...

Quotes can provide inspiration, provoke a thought and even generate a smile. Our offices are always adorned with a few of our favorite quotes so that when we need to take a moment during the day's busy schedule, we can look at them, take a breath and take solace in their message.

Since they are always inspiring us, we thought that we would share some with you:

"When faced with any particular situation ask yourself, is it is a Minor Inconvenience or a Tragedy? Life is far more fun and enjoyable when you make a conscious decision (hard at first, but it gets easier) to focus your energy on enjoying the moments and not get wrapped up in the 'minor inconveniences' life throws your way."

"If you always do, what you've always done, you'll always get what you've got."

~ From the notebooks of Christine Dalgliesh Bonin

"Be first. Don’t wait. Put yourself out there.
Be the first to say I love you, Thank you, or This isn’t working.
Be the first to propose a better way of doing things.
Be the first to forgive.
Be the first to make a change.
You’ve got the courage. Back it up with a plan. Put it in to action. Do whatever it takes."

~ Carrie & Danielle

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